Wednesday, September 12, 2012

active relaxation

If you try something too hard, a monkey, a roll or whatever and make it too frantic (verspannt). Then you use too much energy for this exercise and you stress certain muscles, which don't have to be used. So the exercise becomes hard and you lose your flow. The solution for this problem is the active relaxation by each exercise you practice. Try to relax you body, don't be too frantic. Do it with ease and grace. So everything will become more fun, easier for your body und will also look awesome. Michael

Monday, September 3, 2012

Dawn in Nürnberg

Few days ago, I have decided to get up today at 5:30, cycle to the Altstadt to the Burg in my city Nuremberg. The castle is somehow a town's landmark, from which you can oversee almost the whole city. The sun had to get up at 6:34, so I cycled to the castle, climbed up to the viewing point, and just enjoy the silence and the moment, when almost nobody is on the street but sleeping in their beds :) It was a astounding view from this point, I can't describe it in words. Unfortunately, there were to many clouds to see the sun rising. But I am confident that the next time I will be able to see the sunrise! :) However, I had a great time training on the burg and I also have seen some great spots. I am looking forward to the next time on another spot maybe. But I definitely will repeat the early rising. Michael

Monday, August 27, 2012


At least I have started to learn Flips. The time before I was somehow afraid of them, but I have just started, while a training session in the gym on the mats, and then kept doing 'em. I'll try to move as fast as possible to doing the side-flip outside on grass or sand... Michael