Here is my first training video. Enjoy watching:
In the video I have mentioned the "battery effect". That means, I do any exercise as long as possible, until I can't anymore. Then I take I small break, maybe few seconds, and start doing the exercise again. So I can use the last power reserves in my body, in order to reach the best results.
This "battery effect" can be used in almost all workouts!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
1500 m - balance training
Today, my knee doesn't feel alright, so I decided to do a special training session on this sunny saturday midday! To this one I was inspired by Blane.
Here is the statistics:
Total distance walked: about 1500 meters / 1,5 km.
Time needed: about 1 hour
I fell 7 times down from the rail.
And I had 1 break after 750 meters.
Distance walked before first fall: 300 meters.
Distance walked before second fall: 660 meters.
After that session, when I was focusing under the bar, the marked areas where "swimming" in my eyes. Terrifying! lol.
Here is the statistics:
Total distance walked: about 1500 meters / 1,5 km.
Time needed: about 1 hour
I fell 7 times down from the rail.
And I had 1 break after 750 meters.
Distance walked before first fall: 300 meters.
Distance walked before second fall: 660 meters.
After that session, when I was focusing under the bar, the marked areas where "swimming" in my eyes. Terrifying! lol.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Training influences
Every parkour session is different from another one. Sometimes the feeling of the flow is great, another time you have a feeling of being an unexperienced amateur....
Here I have listed some influences and I believe the differences in parkour depend on this listing:
Nevertheless, I can use these information, in order to make my training harder or easier
For example, to make an exercise harder, I can perform it on a hill.
Or if I feel safe balancing on a rail at 12 o'clock in the daytime, then in the dark time of a day it will be for sure another experience!
Thank you for reading!
Here I have listed some influences and I believe the differences in parkour depend on this listing:
- Internal influence:
- After a meal or before a one (I think, after I have eaten, my training is going more calm)
- Psychic/physical condition
- External influence
- Wheather
- rain
- snow
- sleet
- sunshine
- after rain time
- ice
- different temperatures (cold/hot)
- Clothes/shoes
- Location
- gym
- outside
- Workout on a hill or on an even ground
- Daytime
- night
- day
- dawn/dusk
Nevertheless, I can use these information, in order to make my training harder or easier
For example, to make an exercise harder, I can perform it on a hill.
Or if I feel safe balancing on a rail at 12 o'clock in the daytime, then in the dark time of a day it will be for sure another experience!
Thank you for reading!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Training regularity
Today I had a curios dream:
It was a chat with Blane (his blog) on a parkour event. Then he says that it`s like a life of a maori. They don't just eat 3 times in a week, they take their meals every day. If they are sated, they don't eat.
Parkour training is similar. If you're tired, why should you train further. Just make a break, and when the "hunger" for more parkour comes again - train! That's not alright to eat much, and the next days staying hungry.
The same applies on parkour. So train regularly and don't exaggerate it.
It was a chat with Blane (his blog) on a parkour event. Then he says that it`s like a life of a maori. They don't just eat 3 times in a week, they take their meals every day. If they are sated, they don't eat.
Parkour training is similar. If you're tired, why should you train further. Just make a break, and when the "hunger" for more parkour comes again - train! That's not alright to eat much, and the next days staying hungry.
The same applies on parkour. So train regularly and don't exaggerate it.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Training methods: balance
That one counts to one of my favourite types of training. Sometimes I make one day only balance stuff. And after doing it an hour, I feel quite comfortable standing, jumping or just picking in my nose on a rail.
Balance of legs
I conceive it quite pleasant, when I feel myself sure on my own feet.
Balance of arms
That is a combinition between the strength and a feeling for the balance. Unfortunately, I haven't been training with my arms a long time now.
So I can't tell more on this topic.
It is a great sense of body motion, because I have to coordinate my feet and my arms (4 points of contact with the floor). Moreover my main body part has to move in the right direction with my other limbs in order not to fall over.
Important when going forward: Limbs have to move diagonally. Right leg and left arm and afterwards left leg and right arm start to move.... That is for not falling over.
Balance in whole
The sense of the body's control is great.

I conceive it quite pleasant, when I feel myself sure on my own feet.
Balance of arms
That is a combinition between the strength and a feeling for the balance. Unfortunately, I haven't been training with my arms a long time now.
So I can't tell more on this topic.
It is a great sense of body motion, because I have to coordinate my feet and my arms (4 points of contact with the floor). Moreover my main body part has to move in the right direction with my other limbs in order not to fall over.
Important when going forward: Limbs have to move diagonally. Right leg and left arm and afterwards left leg and right arm start to move.... That is for not falling over.
Balance in whole
The sense of the body's control is great.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Training methods: spot, strength training and a mix of them
I have recently realised that I like a certain technique only a relatively short time. For instance, wall run. One day I was doing it I was really satisfied of the flow I had. Next training the feeling was not as great as last time. And after a week, I couldn’t remember that felling any way.
Human psyche is in fact very complicated. If we want to have something, we are really fond of it first. After we get that special something, it loses its value at once. In my opinion this kind of logic should keep us permanently motivated. So if we get something certain, we shouldn’t lose the aim in life. Sounds good, he?
However, I hint at the variety in the parkour training and in the life as a whole. Variety has become a very important factor in my training, in other words I try to avoid monotonous workouts. The body and mind want always something new to experience. That’s in order to keep motivated to train parkour regularly and a long period.
So I decided to list here some training methods that I am aware of:
So I decided to list here some training methods that I am aware of:
- Spot training
- Strength training
- A mix of first and second
- Balance training
- Imitation
- Playing tag
- Hell Night
- Cross fit
- Spot training
- I train on some spots in the city which offer a pretty high number of opportunities to practice different techniques.
- Pros:
- That’s interesting, because I can choose the technique I want to train, then I go to that special spot, where I can train until dropping with exhaustion.
- These spot provide some obstacles which allow me to train the technique seen on YouTube.
- If the spot is big enough, there is an opportunity to play tag. (Later to this topic).
- Last thing to mention, is the FUN-factor. You are not just jogging around, but you have real obstacles to overcome.
- Cons:
- I am not developing the stamina I would like to have. There are usually 3-4 good jumps, where I use the explosive power. But I don’t train my endurance, I have recognized.
- Strength training
- Strength training is very important for the balance of the muscles. I explain it on the following example. If you want to train your six pack, it is advisable to charge your back, too. Otherwise it will come to an imbalance of your front and back muscles. That isn’t healthy!
I believe the repetition of the parkour techniques, is the best training of the muscles you need for parkour! Logically! If you train parkour you will become better in parkour.
- Pros:
- Nevertheless strength training helps to build up those muscles, which aren’t used whilst parkour. As a result, the balance of the muscles is alright and some injuries are prevented. Strength is an important part of parkour. Without it only the fewest techniques would work.
- Furthermore the muscle building can be seen as the preparation for particular jumps. Again, in order to prevent injuries.
- Cons:
- Admittedly the repetitions are not always the greatest fun.
- There is a danger of exaggerating the workouts. What follows is the hurt of knees.
- A mix of strength and spot training
- In short: I just run a circle in my area, where you can find some spots. While I am running, I stop every now and again and have some fun on a spot. When I am jogging from one place with obstacles to another, I stop sometimes on my way and do some exercises. Consequently, I never stop to make a break. With that type I train now.
- Pros:
- I develop my stamina well. That's the biggest + of a non-stop training.
- A quiet better feeling of parkour occurs. Just, you know, running from A to B, without breaks.
- All advantages of first to types of training:
- interesting
- real obstacles to overcome
- prevention of injuries through strength training (long-term effect)
- Cons:
- There is still a possibility of exaggeration with the strength training.
- The injury risk is going up. As you are pretty tired, after some time. So be careful!
If have something to add to that scheme please comment and I'll write it down and mention your name of course.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Skills/Experience in the relation with the time
Parkour has become a very popular sport, all over the world now. Thus more and more videos on YouTube or other Videosites are posted. Of course, there are sometimes some 9-year-old boys who are jumping around like some small children on a playground. That's because they are maybe small children, however. Nevertheless you can see some high-experienced traceurs, and I thought, it's ok, they have probably trained very hard and there they are.
Later I have watched some great videos from people I know and I was astonished how many great things they could do! I began to ask myself, whether I was too lazy or I did not do enough. I started to wonder, whether my workouts weren't successful enough. And at least I was disappointed, that some guys I know, who weren't training much more than me, are so much better than me!
One day I thought about that riddle, and I have compared parkour with a RPG-game. I realised some resemblances:
At the beginning of a game you can usually choose any char. For example, Alien Shooter (great game). You can choose between a woman and a man. They both have their characteristics. She is faster, he has more life-points. But none of them is better.
Then, while you're playing, you get experience points and so you can improve the skills of your char. But you have to mess up some monsters for the points!
Now, back to the real life, I realised that I am a character like in a game, that you can't choose, unforunately. But all human beings in the world have different attributes, some are cleverer, some are stronger. Asians are better in gym-games, Blacks are better in sprints...(Sadly, some people have better genes than another, some are even disabled, but that's not the point.)
Everyone, every single person has time. Time is for every single human being the same thing. Time isn't good or bad, but it is there and it's a very important thing! No one has really more time than the other! (except of disabled people. Worse luck!)
Yet, I can invest the time in whatever I want. I can study, then I will become cleverer. Or I can train, then I will become more stronger! Back to parkour: I can train more monkeys or more balance, then I will become better in it....The point is that nobody has identic workouts or train identically parkour.Period.
Now, I can interpret awesome videos in a different light :
It's like building a snowman. You have to roll the little snowball first, which is becoming bigger and bigger with the time. It's an important fundament for the snowman. When you have started with parkour, your experience is not big. But with the time both the body and the mind are becoming stronger. This experience is an important foundation for your skills in parkour.
While training I have noticed that my body want to do some certain techniques. So I knew that it is ready for them.
Sometimes, if the character isn't brave enough, you can help it and give a start with your brain. But I believe the body knows better, when it's ready for something.
Time is a very important factor in the parkour training, and in your life as a whole. Nevertheless you shouldn't compare yourself with others in certain disciplines. Just have fun while training parkour. Almost everything you invest your time in, will pay off in the future, somehow.
There is no elevator to the success, you have to take the stairs! Getting better is a slow process, despite of that you're allowed to have fun while practicing parkour!
Later I have watched some great videos from people I know and I was astonished how many great things they could do! I began to ask myself, whether I was too lazy or I did not do enough. I started to wonder, whether my workouts weren't successful enough. And at least I was disappointed, that some guys I know, who weren't training much more than me, are so much better than me!
One day I thought about that riddle, and I have compared parkour with a RPG-game. I realised some resemblances:
At the beginning of a game you can usually choose any char. For example, Alien Shooter (great game). You can choose between a woman and a man. They both have their characteristics. She is faster, he has more life-points. But none of them is better.
Then, while you're playing, you get experience points and so you can improve the skills of your char. But you have to mess up some monsters for the points!
Now, back to the real life, I realised that I am a character like in a game, that you can't choose, unforunately. But all human beings in the world have different attributes, some are cleverer, some are stronger. Asians are better in gym-games, Blacks are better in sprints...(Sadly, some people have better genes than another, some are even disabled, but that's not the point.)
Everyone, every single person has time. Time is for every single human being the same thing. Time isn't good or bad, but it is there and it's a very important thing! No one has really more time than the other! (except of disabled people. Worse luck!)
Yet, I can invest the time in whatever I want. I can study, then I will become cleverer. Or I can train, then I will become more stronger! Back to parkour: I can train more monkeys or more balance, then I will become better in it....The point is that nobody has identic workouts or train identically parkour.Period.
Now, I can interpret awesome videos in a different light :
- Maybe he has actually trained more than me.
- He is probably in other areas worse than me.
- He mastered a certain technique, without preparing his body for this enoug (=> long-term or delayed damages)
- He had more courage to do something (again, only because he has owned this trait earlier in his life, he has invested time in order to get more courage)
- Well, or his bodily frame or genes are better than mine (still that isn't crucial in most cases).
It's like building a snowman. You have to roll the little snowball first, which is becoming bigger and bigger with the time. It's an important fundament for the snowman. When you have started with parkour, your experience is not big. But with the time both the body and the mind are becoming stronger. This experience is an important foundation for your skills in parkour.
While training I have noticed that my body want to do some certain techniques. So I knew that it is ready for them.
Sometimes, if the character isn't brave enough, you can help it and give a start with your brain. But I believe the body knows better, when it's ready for something.
Time is a very important factor in the parkour training, and in your life as a whole. Nevertheless you shouldn't compare yourself with others in certain disciplines. Just have fun while training parkour. Almost everything you invest your time in, will pay off in the future, somehow.
There is no elevator to the success, you have to take the stairs! Getting better is a slow process, despite of that you're allowed to have fun while practicing parkour!
A long time I have thought stiffness is a good sign that my training last day was successful and not useless. But after an interesting chat had opened my mind, I see that point different. I heard and I was told a great number of times to listen to my body. Thus I did that: If my arms were hurting, I did some leg-workout, or other way round. If I fell down and hurt myself great, I didn’t train next days at all. "If Ache, don't violate your body", I thought.
Nevertheless, I didn’t recognize that stiffness is an ache, too. I thought it were a good sign.
Stiffness occurs by workouts,
So let us return to the list of reasons for stiffness. If you try to avoid those things, they become some good principles of your training:
A little stiffness is alright, but to violate your body again and again can’t be the regular sense of the training, won’t bring the anticipated results and will only induce long-term consequences.
Thanks for reading
Nevertheless, I didn’t recognize that stiffness is an ache, too. I thought it were a good sign.
Stiffness occurs by workouts,
- which you are not used to
- which are too long for you
- or to powerful for you
So let us return to the list of reasons for stiffness. If you try to avoid those things, they become some good principles of your training:
- Workout that you are not used to:
Try to create varied workouts, its good for your body and your mind, too, because training won’t be boring any more and you will looking forward to the next training. Creativity in this sport is very important!
("Logic will take you from A to B but imagination and creativity in this discipline, will take you wherever you want to go" by
- Workouts those are too long:
All together, I believe that one 7-hours-workout each weekend, isn’t good. I try to keep my training regular, means I try to practise parkour more often, but so long until my body says “stop”. Again: listen to your body, that’s so important. It bears repeating.
- Workout is to powerful for you:
I try always to distinguish between exercises that my muscles, joints, gristles and bones can bear or not. There is no sense to exaggerate with the exercise, because it will hurt you, no matter whether you notice that or not, and it won’t make your muscles grow!
Furthermore I have recognized that the skills grow very slowly and you can’t become much stronger than you’re overnight. What I mean is if you learn some techniques fast, it doesn't mean that your body will be prepared for this improvement. You have to be patient, and create a layer after layer of your experience. It would be pretty boring, if you become a master of parkour in only some days!
(To quote Stephane Vigroux, "I think for many people it has to be more personal... everybody's moving... I'm really happy for them... but too quickly, too fast, too easy, too much show... too much.")
A little stiffness is alright, but to violate your body again and again can’t be the regular sense of the training, won’t bring the anticipated results and will only induce long-term consequences.
Thanks for reading
So I'm online now )). OK, first of all I want to introduce myself:
Name: Michail
Age: 17 years
Hobbies: Parkour, badminton
Town: Nuremberg, Germany
Languages: English, German, Russian
I hope it will satisfy you for some time, at least until much more readers will come and pick up my stuff here.
You see I know some languages, but I decided to write in English, though it is the worst of them, nevertheless I aim to reach a bigger part of the world with my messages. And English is the best language for that. But you could write also in German or Russian to me.
In that blog I'll put all my thoughts about parkour and bodytraining in whole.
Eventually, I hope you will enjoy my postings, and I would be really delighted, if you commented my articles here. No matter, what comments: suggestions, criticism or wishes. I will put the good comments to the top, so your effort won't be lost.
Thank you for reading my first article
See you on the next article!
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